3 Amazing Jobs You Can Get After Finishing Aviation College
If you have always had an interest in planes and flying, aviation college is likely to be a good fit for your future career plans. While it is easy to associate flight schools and commercial airlines, it is important to note that you have numerous other career options available to you. If you are planning for your future career and you know it should have something to do with flying, the following information will be very helpful.
#1-The Aerial Firefighter
An aerial firefighter has an incredibly important job, as he or she is responsible for helping to fight wildfires. It is typically done using a helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft like a powered paraglider.
An aerial firefighter may need to drop specific amounts of chemicals on certain parts of the fire. Alternatively, this person could fly a helicopter or small plane from which other firefighters would drop to access particularly important or volatile parts of the fire. Regardless, he or she will save lives and limit the damage from wildfires.
#2-Teach Others To Fly
If you love planes, but would rather stay on the ground, a career as a flight instructor might be a good choice. This career choice would require you to stay up-to-date on industry developments.
Many people who need to learn how to fly or how to maintain the equipment are military, while others are civilians with an interest similar to your own. As a result, a flight instructor's job is likely to vary from one day to the next. You are unlikely to ever be bored for long if you become a flight instructor.
#3-Work For NASA
If you are in--and can stay in--top physical condition with great vision, you may be able to start a career as a NASA pilot. Although the competition is fierce, with thousands more applicants than there are jobs, if you make it you could eventually leave the planet. You could be either a Space Shuttle or International Space Station commander or pilot.
As a pilot, you might be expected to:
Assist the commander to control and safely use the vehicle
Assist in sending off and returning satellites
properly use the remote manipulator system
As a commander, your responsibilities would be immense and include things like:
Flight safety
Vehicle responsibility
Crew changes, training, success, etc.
Final mission success
In conclusion, aviation colleges are the ideal educational opportunity for anyone who loves planes and would love to spend the next 20 or 30 years around them. If that sounds like a career plan that would work for you, knowing the above career options is a good idea.
Contact a school like the Institute of Aviation at Parkland College for more information.